Sunday, March 15, 2015

Pregnancy Brain is Real

A little behind, but this was 14 weeks and in a dress I plan to wear the living crap out of. ;)

I'd like to share three things that have happened to me in the past three days...all three of which are pretty out of character for me...thus proving (as if my tummy didn't already) we are officially having a baby.

1. The day we found out we were having a boy, I immediately went to Target and bought a nice array of onesies (more on that dreadful shopping trip later). After I paid and was leaving the store with purse, keys, and phone in hand (I was busy texting and walking...Katie Kascel I could actually try and blame you for this), I walked out without my Target sack full of purchases. As soon as I made it back to my parking spot I realized they were missing and ran back inside to get them from my still parked cart. And at one day shy of week it began...

2. The next day Jamie and I were out running errands. I picked her up from her apartment and was carrying a couple things in my arms so I put my iced coffee on the roof of my car. She said, 'Don't forget your coffee.' I said, 'I won't!' then got in the car, drove up hill about two blocks and said, 'Jamie where's my coffee?!' As she was peeking her head up out of the passenger window, I was slowly and carefully reaching my arm up and out of my window. I (quite gracefully) grabbed my coffee and effortlessly brought it back inside for a drink. This was actually hysterical in real life, We laughed until we cried and I DIDN'T pee my pants...which I've been relentlessly told is coming.

3. Today Josh and I went for a lovely evening walk around Ada Hayden. My goal is to take a nice walk every day of these next 6 months and drag Josh along. So...after one hour of walking the whole trail, we got back to our car and it was locked. Keys inside. Thanks to yours truly. My husband who is wonderful, but not the most patient man was actually fairly calm but visibly annoyed. My phone was locked inside the car so we used Josh's to call numerous friends who didn't answer because they were in small group; were working; were with their families; or were out of town...which left the one person who I DIDN'T want to call, mostly because it's my job to assist her in these situations...not the other way around. Yes, I called Tami Hicks, who drove from the other side of town to come get us and take us to our house to grab our keys. Bless.

In other news, Josh and I agree on a name, a room theme, and how we will dress this child. So basically what I'm telling you is that we could write the book on parenting. And we plan you're welcome.


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