Wednesday, August 27, 2014


In case you hadn't heard...I SAW KATY PERRY LAST WEEKEND.

It was incredible.

We were six rows from the top row of the Target Center...and yet...IT WAS STILL AMAZING.

Hannah, Shannon, Jamie, and I vowed that when KP goes on her Greatest Hits tour in 20 years and we're old and lame (and hopefully also richer ;) , we will be dancing on the floor and taking selfies with her on stage (yes that happened to three people and WE HATE THEM FOR IT).

I tried to keep most of the pics to Instie over the weekend so it wasn't a Davies/ here they are:

KICKING OFF OUR ROAD TRIP RIGHT: Four iced vanilla lattes from Star.

 Turns out, drinking all that coffee requires a potty stop. And also allowed for a convenient photo-op.

Almost bought the Naked2 Pallete as an early birthday gift BUT REFRAINED! For the first time in four years I'm not going to buy my birthday gift 4 months early! Success! Shannon and I also decided against purchasing the red and purple lips.

Jamie's FIRST TIME at the MOA. We did some damage in VS, H&M, and Forever21...and as you can see, tried on too much makeup at Sephora.

Glammed up and ready to see Katy! We got ready in record time and even remembered the tickets (thanks to Hannah). PS in case anyone cared, the outfit I put together for the night only cost $17. 

I'm not above stopping traffic in the lobby and forcing the hotel staff to take a picture of us. I call this 'Fine Fresh Fierce We Got It On Lock.'

The four of us took turns taking sister-pics and actually got pretty good at it. There was a long line to stand by this PICTURE of Katy Perry so we had to post fast.

 Another picture-taking strategy I'll share, it's called, "We'll take a picture of your whole group if you take a picture of our whole group!" Works like a charm every time.

She opened the show with ROAR and IT. WAS. AMAZING. Then she said, "Are you ready to breathe the same air for the next two hours?!"
You have no idea how ready we were, Katy.


Probably one of my favorite parts of the night...She sang UNCONDITIONALLY and I just can't even describe. I have an awesome video of the whole song! I sent it to Josh and told him when I sing this song I think of him and he replied, 'That was a long video.' Hey thanks babe, you get me.


 OMW she is just everything.

KP ended the show with BABY YOU'RE A FIREWORK. There were FIREWORKS on stage, there were FIREWORKS on her dress, there were FIREWORKS IN MY HEART.

And by the way, there was a Twins Game that got over at the SAME TIME as our concert. We sat in a parking garage/traffic for approx. an hour and since I was driver it was a little stressful...but we made it back to our hotel in one piece and I was only honked at once ALL weekend! Also - I cut someone off in order to get into a lane during stand-still traffic heading to the concert, so I think that officially makes me a CITY GIRL.

A Lizzie McGuire song comes to mind when I think about the time we spent at Ikea...HEY NOW HEY NOW THIS IS WHAT DREAMS ARE MADE OF. THEY HAVE PRINCESS BEDDING FOR THE LOVE.

It was a super-fun 24 hours. Made it back by 5:00 on Saturday, just in time to clean the house and have a date-night-at-home with Josh. :) 


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