Wednesday, March 5, 2014

10 Things I Hate About You: Mollie Edition

Hate might be a strong word, but the title of this post seemed to fit. I also figured it was time for Josh to make an appearance on the blog with his writing talents and wit...meaning later this week, Josh will be writing about 10 things that I do that drive him nuts.

Things are going to get real.

Disclaimer: These are all things we tease and laugh with each other about...nothing about this blog post is serious or meant to hurt each other. We thought it would be funny to share some of our quirks because we're sure other married couples can relate...or maybe it's just us................................. *crickets*

1. Josh is the only person in the house who uses ice in his glass on a daily basis. He has a habit of using three little ice cubes out of the frozen tray and putting the rest of the tray back, instead of emptying the whole thing and re-filling it. Which means I spend most of my life re-filling ice trays.

2. As many of you know, Josh refuses to own more than two pairs of jeans. Last week when I was washing one pair, he came to me and said that his 2nd pair needed to be washed too. But he needed something to wear for his lunch meeting...and there we were...with only two pairs of jeans. Both completely filthy. Both needing to be washed. But because this man only owns two pairs of jeans, off he went in dirty jeans that won't get washed for another week because they are ALWAYS ON HIS BODY.

Josh now has four pairs of jeans...two for work...two for 'nice'...I think that is acceptable and not at all as outrageous as he seems to think. 

3. Josh is a loud swallower. No seriously. Every. single. night he gets up, gets a glass of water, comes back to bed, and then...SWALLOWS LOUDER THAN ANYONE I HAVE EVER KNOWN. This might seem ridiculous, but trust's insane.

4. My husband loves showering. He has since he was fact his parents purchased a bigger water heater to accommodate all of the siblings and their frequent lengthy showers. He has a profound love for warm water, also explaining his obsession for wanting to own a hot tub. He thinks in the shower. He plans his day in the shower. He spends 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes at night in the shower, which I see as an enormous waste of time.

Boersma family trip to a cabin? Perfect time for Josh to hide in the bathroom whirlpool with a Mt. Dew.

5. A few months ago, Josh started saying, 'Goodbye my love!' to me a lot...I thought he was just being precious. Then he told me it's a line he's quoting from Dumb and Dumber. It instantly stopped being precious.

6. Josh's excuse for tracking grass everywhere in the summer is that 'Grass is money'...which is totally true of our small business empire, and I rarely complain. But let me tell you just a few of the places where it's common for me to find my sweatshirt pockets, on the floor, in the dryer vent, on the back of the toilet, in the cars, in the showers, inside my socks, AND IN THE FREEZER.

7. Josh has discovered a profound love for jalapeno-flavored anything. He likes trying new, spicy things, which is fun. Jalapeno's on our Papa John's pizza, jalapeno-flavored popcorn, Tabasco on everything, and Fiery Cheetos are just a few of his favorites. However, approximately 45 minutes after consuming the aforementioned foods he is forced recline his seat on the drive home and then spend a considerable amount of time in the bathroom...immediately regretting his spicy food choices. It's a vicious cycle he won't give up.

8. He makes me save hundreds of mowing magazines that he claims he will, 'read in the winter when he has time,' but in the past four winters, I have never, EVER seen him read a magazine. Which makes my case quite strong for throwing all of those magazines away this year.

9. When I find Josh's hat or socks or moccasins laying around the house, I pick them up and put them in the winter hat basket, the sock drawer, or the shoe bin. Which apparently offends him because he says I am constantly, 'hiding his things' from him. When putting these items away makes perfect sense to me.

When I stumble upon something like this, I put the dirty socks in the hamper and hang the jeans up on a hook in his bathroom...crazy? I think not.

10. Josh is ornery. This is probably something I also love about him, but sometimes when he's being ornery it makes it impossible for me to get anything done because he follows me around being ridiculous. This is more of an issue in the winter months when he's at home all. the. time. I think he gets this ornery trait from his G'pa Harm because there is a face they both make when they're telling a story or doing something they know they're not supposed to be doing. It's the ornery face. Here are a few examples:

This happens every. single. time. I try and get a picture.

Josh and G'pa Harm being ornery at the farm together...talking about how they both need more tractors (in Josh's case that would mean owning G'pa Harm's case, that would mean owning 6 or 7 or 8)
Josh and Jamie being ornery eating chips together.

Josh being ornery by grilling a burger at 9pm in a blizzard in sub zero temperatures.

We get our picture taken and he says, 'Why does my face look weird? Don't use that one.' HIS ORNERY FACE COMES OUT WHEN HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW IT!

Stay tuned for Josh's side of 10 Things I Hate About You: Boersma Edition!

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